Monday, June 24, 2013

keyboard for lazy person

This is by no means an outline of a product--simply a fun idea of mine (hopefully fun to you as well).

I am tired of sitting beside my desk staring at my computer screen and typing. If I keep this position for a long time, my neck aches, my waist feels rigid, and most importantly, my hand wrist becomes painful (I put my keyboard on my lap). The most relaxed posture is to lie. I meant no compromise, no pillow behind your back. Just lie down, in the same position as you sleep.

However, it is hard to type, given that two hands are at different sides of my body. Here is the main point--we can have a keyboard split into two parts, one part for left hand and the other part for the right. I tried to type with two keyboards, and it feels good. The two parts of keyboard can be coordinated by wireless adapter, or to keep it cheap, one wire can be used to connect the keyboard to laptop, while the wire in the middle split into two, each controlling one part.

Other appliances should also be modified for the new setting, such as a screen on ceiling, but big (or close) enough for users to see clearly, and stably connected to the ceiling so that it does not fall down and cause damage (earthquake is not taken into consideration), etc.

(Just found a cool solution:
Use glasses instead)

Below are two pictures to illustrate the idea:

(I wonder if it is necessary to keep the small number keyboard, which breaks the balance when putting keyboard on laps and is not used often)

Monday, March 25, 2013




FAQ:我需要换护照吗?(adapted from China Consulate website:)






(顺便吐槽一句:这个网站实在是不敢恭维,the funny <font> tag in the html source code inside <title> tag for example)


       2. I-20及复印件(在下因CPT,有两份I-20,只用了那个新的I-20)

       3. 照片两张(注意申请表上写得是三张,而领事馆墙上的公告写的是四张,但实际上只需要两张。建议到领事馆这儿照,10刀两张,立等可取,不必担心尺寸引起的搅屎问题。若是在外面照相,则应为2x2)

       4. 申请表: 注:请直接到官网查询。此文件中的照片尺寸不正确,应使用上述尺寸。


有 意思的是,领事馆证件组与领事馆的工作时间不同。前者为为周一至周五,9am-2pm,而领事馆的工作时间为9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm。在下估计一个原因是办证的人太多,使得证件组必须在2pm闭关拒客,这样才能保证能给当天取号的顾客办妥。实际上证件组2pm后仍在工 作,故来得晚的话,或许会等到两三点。

在下从UCLA出发,坐Wilshire/Westwood的Rapid Metro 720往Wilshire/Vermont,一路无事。下车后,需再向东行(同车行方向),至Wilshire/Shatto,左转沿Shatto Place行百二十步,到500 Shatto Pl. 此处注意证件组与领事馆的地址是不同的,前者为 3rd Floor, 500 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020
而领事馆的地址为 443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

在 下赶到领事馆时为11:45左右,坐电梯去三楼,出电梯正对入口。入口的安检基本为摆设。向右手处的工作人员取票。在下看到了四种票 号,A1xx,B5xx,C7xx,D8xx,开头的字母与所办业务有关。在下的号码是B58x,而是时排到了B54x。四周一瞟,座无虚席。时有五个工 作窗口,其中第一个专为领取证件所开,其余四个按照取票时间处理(没有专门办理B类业务的)。

若此时尚未填写申请表,请在到申请 窗口之前填好,以节省他人时间。由于在寝室便已填好表格,在下无事可做,四顾,发现美女无数。不幸在下不是花痴。算来少需75分钟方可到在下,恰巧领事馆 处于韩国城附近,便先溜达出去觅食。不幸全无方向,乱绕了约一个小时,无所获,不得已空肚而返。

约2pm终于排到在下。递上复印件,照片以及护照。给了一张付款取证凭据。凭据上写了取件日期,约为一个月后。取件时付款,为55刀。All set。如同签证,排队需数小时,真正花在办手续的时间可能还没有一分钟。


Ao Mar 25. 2013