Friday, December 30, 2016



Sunday, December 18, 2016












Wednesday, December 14, 2016















Sunday, December 11, 2016




Sunday, December 4, 2016















Saturday, December 3, 2016




“Ao, you had a perfect poker face! Were you not worried?" 同行的小M问。

"Actually I was really scared."也生叹了口气。

"Ao was scared!"小M向身边的小A惊讶道。

"No, I was joking. I was perfectly calm."也生无表情的面容咧开了轻松嘴角。同伴一愣,满车的又炸开了笑声。

Sunday, November 13, 2016



Sunday, October 30, 2016

行记:Gem Lake

又是一天阴雨!适时为我第二次冒雨徒步,添置的Goretex Marmot Shell派上了用场,只是尺码偏大。加上大号的防雨裤,颇是臃肿。想想古人“竹杖芒鞋轻胜马”,一顶斗笠,一双草鞋,隐居山云深处,说来似乎颇是形轻志清如若仙人,平生烟雨潇洒如此,想来实是烟雨中行步不便,只有隐者能解。

Gem Lake途经Snow Lake,然而体积仅有后者几分之一。二者路径初始点位于西城以东六十迈处。我与同伴大鹏抵达起始点,午时初始,云层低垂,欲雨未雨,风动凌凌。路中泥泞,行出不足二里,气温低至露点,雨丝飘散。至Snow Lake湖边,雨声已渐大。


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016




此书从文革时期一则往事讲起,想象了宇宙亿万年后的发展。文革时期,天体学者叶文洁饱经迫害,出于对人类社会的失望与仇视,向太空广播了求助信息,希求外太空高等智慧生物降临地球,纠正人类的错误,建立理想世界。八年后,四光年外的三体世界回函地球,于是故事从此展开。叶建立了地球三体组织,以联合志同道合者,成为三体世界在地球的叛徒。三体组织使用虚拟现实游戏招募人员,而政府部门顺藤摸瓜,发现了三体组织在中国的一个分支,并使用纳米线战术歼灭了三体核心领导层,获取了三体世界的信息。原来,三体世界是外太空的高度文明体,其科学技术水平远远领先地球。在三体,即三个恒星相互作用的天体运动中,其周围环绕的行星不断被吞噬,而其时仅存三体文明所栖息的行星。三体行星自然条件恶劣,当得知地球拥有优良的环境资源后,遣送大规模侵袭舰队, 预计四世纪后到达地球。同时,三体向地球发射三枚由高维坍缩而成的智能粒子先舰队一步到达地球。智能粒子简称智子,主要用于干扰地球的粒子加速器,使基于实验的地球物理基础无法继续进化突破。同时智子以高速穿梭人类社会,实时为三体高层监听人类动向。


泰勒原为美国防部长,他的计划冷酷无情:组织大规模太空舰队,在三体舰队来袭之时,使用球星闪电攻击己方舰队,使之离子化,再组织离子化的人类舰队幽灵反击三体。计划由破壁者识破,泰勒自杀。雷迪亚兹更为冷血:在水星放置使用高吨位氢弹以威胁三体,否则将以氢弹轰击太阳,使之膨胀而吞没整个太阳系,侵略双方将鱼死网破。计划被识破。而由于计划毁灭人类的性质,雷迪亚兹 被愤怒的祖国人民投石致死。西恩斯另辟蹊径:使用机器将军官的思想中嵌入恒久的执念,称为“思想钢印”。表面上这种思想钢印是为了修正军队中日益严重的逃亡主义,而实际上,钢印巩固了逃亡主义。钢印族在战争中将背负着逃亡的使命,以使人类在世界覆灭中留存血脉。此计划被西恩斯的妻子破壁,失败。

罗辑成功了。他是唯一一位被三体世界重视并追杀的面壁者,也拥有宏伟构想的面壁者中的唯一另类。他本是一位混吃混喝没有追求的大学天体学教授,当选为面壁者后,动用政府资源为个人的潇洒风流。他的“宇宙社会学”,起初只是自己在受叶文洁启发后的思想玩物,却最终为后来的三体-地球平衡奠定了理论基础。”宇宙社会学“最重要的一点即是“黑森林理论”:在宇宙中不止地球一处文明,但宇宙之广阔,使得文明之间难以知道相互间的存在。若知道了,两个文明之间将会互相猜疑,因为双方都不知道对方是否是善意的。即是自己善意,也不知道对方是否知道自己的善意,相对的,也不知道对方是否知道自己知道对方是善意的。如此往复,猜疑的结果只 能以一个文明的消亡而告终。因此,在黑森林宇宙中,一个文明只有躲在暗处才能保证安全。正如在黑暗森林中游走的神经紧绷的猎人,当看见道旁树干上标出的坐标,一定会去那个坐标将对方消灭,不论是谁。而地球,则是一个在森林中升起篝火的孩子,大声呼喊:”我在这儿!我在这儿!“一颗三体的子弹紧接着擦面而过。惊慌的地球得知自身危险的同时,也了解了对方的坐标。而罗辑的计划,便是以宇宙广播三体的坐标来威胁三体世界。




Sunday, July 24, 2016

Reading note: Sapiens: a brief history of humankind (final)

Totally mind-blowing.

This is one of the few books that changed how I looked at the world. However, the book is so complex and profound that it is impossible to write some reading notes without writing another small book.

That being said, I can still put some points here for reference. One's happiness is subject to chemical reaction. Certain chemicals such as dopamine, can affect how one perceives happiness. Does that mean, in order to achieve happiness in life, we should just obey the chemical system and try to secrete/inject as much dopamine as we can? Non-sense. Happiness consists not only the chemical reaction, but is also decided by whether one is doing something meaningful that satisfies one's life. A recent research showed that it is decided by several factors, the most important being one's expectation of his/her life. If one's expectation is low, he/she is more likely to be happy, and vice versa. Other things, including the community that supports him/her, his/her family, and money of course, also matter to certain extent. This remotely resembles Lao Tzu's saying "See and think frugally".

But it is opposite to the culture we live in. People are brought up in an education that encourages us to be ambitious, entrepreneurial, adventurous. Take my company's culture for example. We brand slogans like "Be bold", "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"and "Do things and ask for forgiveness later", and people love those slogans. Unfortunately, in the historical perspective, those are just the brainchildren of our generation, whereas never had a previous generation advocated those spirits as much as we do. They wanted good citizens to be modest, lenient and meek. Well, not so much. That is true only to certain generations in certain regions of the world, while in other regions and other times, cultures are completely different. If you place yourself in a cosmic historical settings, what you believe firmly today would be bullshit tomorrow. Nothing is forever true. You like free market? Sure. It wasn't even a thing a thousand years ago. You think love is the goal of life? And honesty is the essential goodness? And we should respect science? Each statements only hold true in a certain period of time, but never from the start of time, and may not be true in a hundred years.

Homo sapiens broke the natural selection, which is the norm of evolution for millennials. Creatures survive if they adapt to their environment better than others, so they are more likely to pass their genes to inheritors. The bird's ancestor didn't think about having feathers because they would help it to fly. All happened by random mutation. This may no longer the case, because Homo Sapiens invented gene engineering, so they can direct the evolution of living things, even themselves. They may one day introduce cyborgs, hybrid beings of the organics and the inorganics, or make superhuman. Gene engineering may fundamentally change how we think, how the society is structured, and how human relationship functions. Oh did I mention "human"? Will we still be the same species then? The future is beyond imagination. All our imaginations are simulations of our thoughts, and reflection of the reality. When things become completely different, how do we want what we want?

I don't see a definite blueprint of the future in 100 years, nor does anyone. All I know, however, is to live within the current time. 活在当下。

Sunday, July 10, 2016







Monday, June 20, 2016



叔叔死后葬于八宝山,是只有当权者埋葬之处,期限二十年。若是妻子死了,但是级别不够,则得把丈夫迁出墓地,否则无法合葬。社会名流 想要葬在这风水宝地, 则需付高额 费用。古有“崩薨卒不禄殁”之分,今世死亦分三六九等。呜呼哀哉!


Sunday, June 5, 2016






在山野中总有些意外收获。或是Camp Muir之旅,在Mt Rainier的广袤高耸的山峰冰壑之中,翻滚呼喊的墜石,远远的传来隆隆的声响,正合李太白诗中“砯崖转石万壑雷”;或是Mt Shasta孤高的峰顶猎猎风动,是老杜“冥冥孤高多烈风”。远离城市,偶有映证诗词意象的机缘,很是难得,只是怕书到用时方恨少,眼前美景千万,肚里空空,岂非晋君听琴?

Sunday, May 29, 2016


领略艺术与看山景一样,只要你地位站得适当,你这一望一眼便吸收了全景的精神;要你“远视”的看,不是近视的看;如其你捧住了树才能见树,那时即使你不惜工夫一株一株的审查过 去,你还是看不到全林的景子。所以分析的看艺术,多少是杀风景的:综合的看法才对。




-- 《爱眉小札:日记》:


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Reading Note: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2)

One again, I saw the controversial topic: the agricultural revolution is the biggest trap in human history.

Before Homo sapiens adapted to the life of farming, they lived the life of foragers and gatherers. They spent on average 3 hours per day for gathering food, and the rest of their day at their leisure. They took in multi-nutritional food and lived free life. Compared to our ancestors' life, the agricultural Homo sapiens lived more miserably. Their whole life was tied to the growing of wheat, rice, potatoes, and other staples, spending endless hours toiling under the sun.  They had less leisure time, and their single source of food--wheat/rice--made them malnutrtional, whereas their ancestors were able to gather and hunt all types of food, wild berries, figs, wheat, nameless vegetations and mammals.

The tie to a single source of staple, though in total sum exceeded what gathers could have gathered in the wilderness, nonetheless made human lives less secure. A band of gatherers were able to move to the next stop when the current stop ran out of food, but farmers were tied to their lands. When a famine stroke, they were doomed. They also suffered more from home-borne diseases. Smallpox and many other horrifying epidemics were transmitted from home pests to Homo sapiens. In comparison, hunter-gatherers were always on the move, so there's less time for diseases to spread. Even if a whole band was struck down, they were separated from other bands; thus, epidemics would be less likely to foment.

The controversy of agricultural revolution is essentially a discussion on the significance of individual sufferings and species prosperity. It is tempting to say now, thousands of years after the revolution, that the revolution is the necessary foundation for the current wealthy society, but remember, to a starving man thousands of years ago because of famine, you would never convince him:"You suffering is necessary for my wealthy life thousands of years later."

It is thus insufficient to measure the success of a species solely by the number of living units that carry the species' DNA. Individual life quality also matters. Chickens and cattle are probably one of the most successful species from evolution and natural(human) selection, as they are populated over the world, but, individual chick or cattle suffered. Chicken raised for their meat are slaughtered when they are a few months of old, while they could have lived for years. Female cattle are constantly fertilized throughout their life for milk. Their offsprings are usually separated from their mothers the time they were born. Some cattle are raised in a small cage, so their muscle are not grown, so they can turn into juicy steaks in plates. Are they successful? Yes, and no.

Sunday, May 8, 2016





Reading Note: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (1)

I came across this book from Zuck's book recommendation list, and have been enjoying reading the first two chapters so far.

The first two chapters talked about the physical evolution of Homo sapiens (the wise man), and its unique ability to talk about fiction and the consequences. Homo sapiens did not stand out from other species of animals until recently. One physical characteristic of sapiens is its large brain volume, which enabled it to think more intellectually. However, it was hard to tell if that was a blessing or cursing at the ancient savannah age, because a larger brain means more energy is needed to sustain it, whereas those energy could have been diverted to develop strong muscle. From the better side, large brains enabled sapiens to build tools, such as stone arrows and axes. One quite interesting theory was that Homo were talented marrow hunters, because only Homos could use their stone tools to crack open bones and suck marrow, possibly from the carrions of larger animals' game.

Another interesting fact is that sapiens were adapted to stand on two legs, which limited their pelvis sizes, inevitably making them smaller. As a result, females were having a hard time to give birth to new borns. By natural selection, those females giving birth prematurely, thus having smaller infants, could give birth more easily, so humans ended up being born prematurely, as compared to other animals. A kitten may live independently when it was still several-week-old, but human toddlers are helpless for several years, if not dozens. This makes it hard for a mom to raise a child by herself--a tribe/band's resources may be needed to raise a single child, thus those who have better social skills survived.

By the way, did I mention that Homo sapiens were not the first Homo to stand on two legs? Homo erectus were. Strictly speaking, we are not the only human species that ever existed, but the only surviving human species. Other species existed too, such as Neanderthals. There are two theories of why we were the only surviving species. One was that we drove all other species into extinction; the other was that they got mixed into our species through mutual breeding. While the latter being politically incorrect (because it suggests different races are actually genetically different), I was more interested in why sapiens won over other species. The ability of our language to describe fiction was the answer. We can describe abstract things, such as "God", "faith", and "patriotism". Those provides a way of cooperation between a large group. In a small group--a group less the size of magical number 150--members are able to cooperate through intimate relationship, through gossips and rumors. Yes in a large group, say a middle sized Chinese city of one million people, it is impossible to know all other 999,999 people intimately, yet we are still able to live together and function as a city. The basis was a common acknowledgement of fiction, in this case, a sense of a country, of us being in a city that we need to protect and develop. This sense only exists in human imagination, and could only be developed upon a genome basis.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reading Note: Life of Pi (2)

Done with the book. Pretty good story for a casual read!

Does the author want to convey some meaning about life? Apparently. You only believe what you  see. This is from the scene at the ending of the book, when Mexican custom officers interrogated Pi of the cause of shipwreck. Neither of the officers believed Pi's story of survival on a life boat with an adult Bengal tiger for ~220 days, of the zebra, the orangutan, and the hyena, of the carnivorous island, of the blind Frenchman who got devoured by Richard Parker. Ironically, when Pi told them a second story that's metaphorically close the real one but "without animals", the officers found it disgusting and horrible, and had to admit that the first one was more interesting.

If I have to contrive some deeper meanings for the story, I will relate to the starting of the book, when Pi was a pious boy--pious to the God, not to a specific religion. The thing that kept popping up through Pi's torment was Vishna, St. Mary, Salvation, and Hallelujah. He always had a grateful heart. Even when they made it to the bank of Mexico, Pi was murmuring in his gratefulness toward Richard Parker, who had been a life threat throughout the trip and was leaving him unceremoniously, that he wouldn't have survived without R.P. being around.  

tl;dr: grateful heart, and open-mindedness. One may well start exploring how this is relevant to the current refugee crisis and terrorism, but enough is enough. I don't think the author expected shoulder such a heavy political burden when he wrote the book.

Sunday, April 24, 2016





Saturday, April 23, 2016

Reading Note: Life of Pi (1)

Having just finished reading half of the book LIfe of Pi, I am writing some random notes (I hope to force myself to scribble something other than codes every now and then):

It was a quite an interesting read. I wouldn't say it was a great book, something at the same level as say, War and Peace, but for casual book reapers it is a good appetizer. Other than the well known plot of the book, famed by its movie, about an Indian guy managed to coexist with an adult Bengal tiger after a ship wrack on the Pacific ocean, another pearl from the book is the author's control of the language, straightforward and humorous. He never tried to decorate profusely some intricate philosophy of  religion, but each word conveyed some meaning that was really easy to grasp. 

Talking about humor, one scene I liked was when the priests (or someone equivalent in other religions) of Christianity/Muslim/Hinduism caught the boy Pi while he was on a walk with his parents. All of the priests thought Pi was a pious worshipper of his own religion, never realizing that he actually converted to all three religions, at the same time. Apparently, a bicker broke out between three priests, and when they interrogate, essentially, which religion Pi was really into, Pi, innocently, said:"I just want to love god!" Three priests smiled, unnaturally, and turned away. I just couldn't stop laughing reading this piece, which was somewhat intentionally sarcastic? More related revealing are probably coming in the next half, so next time.

Monday, April 18, 2016





