Sunday, December 3, 2017

Reading notes: Essential: Essays by The Minimalists

Minimalism is not the endgame itself. Happiness, growth and contribution are.

You don't have to be busy. You just need to focus. Be obsessed with your passion.

Passion aren't innate mostly. Don't follow your passion. Cultivate your passion.

You don't have to make noise to show that you are relevant. Build up influence, and stay confident.

You don't have to be social, to hang out with co-workers after work, or to talk on topics that you don't care about. For those introverts, me included, it is okay to enjoy your solitude most of the time, and you may end up being very active when social needs come, as you release your stored energy.

Make decisions for yourself. You know yourself better than anyone else.

You don't have to have measurable goals. Metrics are corporate concepts, and largely bullshit. It is more important to choose your direction, and keep growing. Just ask:
  1. What do I want?
  2. Why do it want it? 
  3. How do I get it?
  4. Does my method work?
It is easy to see your imperfection especially when you make radical changes. Being imperfect is okay, but you should know your imperfection, and work on it.

Nothing lasts forever. Be on the mountain. Enjoy yourself.

Eat more unprocessed food. Try fasting. Drink a lot of water.

The best time to give gift is today. The worst time to give gift is holiday.

Gift experience, not physical materials. Likewise, do not accept physical gifts and make it clear to others. Ask instead for donations to charity.

Tips of conversations:
  • add value to conversation
  • expand your vocabulary
  • avoid unnecessary conversation
  • be succinct 
You are not your job. When asked "what do you do?", tell them your passion. When told their jobs, ask if they are passionate about jobs.

Don't fall prey for associations by convenience. Your co-workers are not like you. Find someone who are like you. Make this change a MUST.

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